mandag den 5. august 2013

Why not make it worth your while and visit a blog you might consider to visit again and again. is the link to my blog as it appear today and what you see here is how my dream of making "something of my own on a computer" without having the faintest idea of what it really meant ended in 2012. Honestly my attemp looked better only a month earlier but I managed to screw it up. This was the end of a free blog from google but wiser I started a wordpress blog and developed my work into another mistake but a lot better outcome and the mistake only build on a clearer fact of not having a destination or any goal so still my purpuse whas my dream of imitating and if lucky confused with someone actuelly having an excuse to appear on a computer. Today it's allowed for everybody to make their own blog and write their heart out but many fail to succeed because they have to face the matter of not beeing that interesting as an individuel that it takes a blog to enlighten others of their value but then again some are surviving without other skills than beeing productive and god only knows who read their empty crap thinking they get wiser doing so. But it's nothing but words. Me, I only see myself even moore naked that I like to be cause every attemp pretending revials without excepion the naked truth of who I am and what my motives are and I am glad to know I'm the only one to get the whole picture. But that doesn't change the fact  I'm getting better of what I'm doing and the fact that I'm long ago stopped pretending otherwise so my blog shows a picture of various possibillitys freely given to you by wordpress as a blogger in the appearence that meets the eye and closer how to present

søndag den 25. november 2012

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mandag den 10. september 2012

GoDaddy sites mostly back online after massive outage

GoDaddy sites mostly back online after massive outage
September 10, 2012 9:03 PM 
Popular web hosting company GoDaddy has restored most of it services after a member of hacker collective Anonymous attacked the site.
On Twitter, GoDaddy said that most of its customer-hosted sites were back online following the attack:
I can confirm that my own personal site is back online after being taken down during the outage.
A seemingly high-ranking member of Anonymous, Anonymous Own3r, claimed responsibility for the attack that took down countless sites. GoDaddy’s DNS servers were taken offline for several hours on Monday. Anonymous Own3r said this was not an attack made on Anonymous’ behalf, and it is just from a single member.
GoDaddy indicated that the takedown was isolated to just a denial-of-service attack and that customer data was not compromised..
“All services are restored and at no time was sensitive customer information, such as credit card data, passwords, names, addresses, ever compromised,” GoDaddy spokeswoman Elizabeth Driscoll told CNET.
GoDaddy illustration: Sean Ludwig/VentureBeat



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